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Back Injury Update

So I thought it was time I gave you all an update on what's been going on with my back, after seeing 4 Drs and being given enough pain meds to make me rattle I've finally been scent to see a physiotherapist, turns out I've injured the bottom of my spine and where I continued to work through the pain the muscles around the area fused together to try and protect the injury. I've was signed off work for 4/5 weeks and now I'm slowly getting better,

The pain is still very much there but thankfully I can now walk without feeling like someone is stabbing me with a hot poker.

The physio gave me daily exercises to do and each day and they seem to be helping loads. I'm even looking at going back to work soon as long as I take it easy,

I was hoping my time off would give me time to write and really get my blog off the ground but all I've really concentrated on was getting myself better.

Thanks for reading

Much love Kitty Katt

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