Running for Depression
So a couple of days ago I was celebrating being off anti depressants for 100 days (I’m now on 103)
Now to some this may not seem like much but I have been taking these little pills for over 10 years and decided to come off them with the help of my Dr, It wasn’t easy and I was always looking for a way to take my mind off the horrid things it would think about,

My husband has been into fitness for as long as I can remember and was always trying to get me excited about calisthenics (body weight training) yes I tried it and I was a bit of a start stopper, I hated it! I tried to tell my self I loved it but I didn’t, I mean I can’t even do one press up! (its not as easy as you think)
So for months I pushed myself to go do this exercise that made me feel like I was just weak, then one Sunday I was talking to my husband about going for a run, he looked at me and said “go for it now! get your trainers on and run”
I did, I couldn’t run fast and I probably looked silly (imagine phoebe from friends)
but I didn’t care, I went and took a little jog then a walk then a jog then a walk (you get the idea) around the block, by the time I got home I was hardly able to breath, covered in mud and I was smiling so much my face hurt!!
it was at that moment I decided I was going to go for a run at least 6 times a week just to see how it feels, Every morning for the past two weeks I’ve gotten up, had some breakfast and then once its settled gone for a run/jog/walk/bimble and even though I still can’t run far or for long its really helping me feel happier inside my head, I get to be outside with my headphones and just be! yes I get really funny looks when running (we had snow the other week and I still went)

but I’m starting to not care about that. I grunt and egg myself on to “make it to that next lamp post then walk” out loud and look like I’m having a heart attack most of the time when I stop but once I’m home and can breath again I feel great! I’m smiling more and laughing more, running is helping me become happier and not only that it makes me leave my flat and get some fresh air as I could quite happily never leave the comfort of my flat due to my anxiety issues,
Now I’m not saying that this is going to work for everyone but if you are looking for a way to calm your demon brain or what ever, fitness isn’t a bad way to go, obviously don’t go taking yourself off meds without the help of your Dr’s and only if your ready. I wish I had found running earlier on in my life as I really do love it, I’m not going to be doing marathons or anything but maybe a fun run with some mud could be on the cards. Thanks for reading guys. Much love Kitty Katt 🐾