Early Morning Brain Farts

So I’ve been up since 3:30am for no reason what so ever! I’ve drunk way too much hot chocolate and now all I want to do is Run!
It’s been ages since my body has decided it doesn’t need sleep so this took me by surprise as I was quite happy in my bed, warm and snuggly, then out of no where BOOM crappy dream that woke me up worried and wanting to talk to my dad, Now when I get this feeling normally I would just pick up the phone (when its a bit later in the morning) and call him, but right now I can’t! my parents are homeless at the moment as they sold there house a month ago and can’t move into there new one for a few more weeks so they have been staying with friends and family. This wouldn’t normally bother me but living so far away from them and not being able to just pick up the phone to talk to them has got to me a bit today, yes I can call mum on her mobile but it’s not really the same as calling up on the land line and having a good natter with the pair of them,
I always seem to call my mum and rarely talk to dad on the phone but right now all I want is to just here him say those words I used to cringe at “Hello fanny” (see cringe) because of where they are staying the mobile signal is complete rubbish and I know he will be going off to work soon too.
its funny how a dream that you know isn’t real can have such a big affect on your brain, I would normally run it off (as since I discovered running its quickly become my go to thing) but I’ve left my running gear in the bed room and my darling husband is still sleeping soooo can’t really go in there crashing about in the dark trying to find my sports bra and trainers.
Maybe I will just wait an hour and then sneak in and grab my gear and just go for it, after all would be a shame to waste such an early start to the day!
Thanks for reading much love Kitty Katt 🐾