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Day Two

Tuesday 23rd May 2017 Day Two

Alarm went off at 08:30 this morning but I fell back asleep until 10:30 ish (not my plan at all) and I woke up to the post man bringing me a Something Different delivery (find them here or here )

and it really made me smile opening up a box of goodies just for me! (I shall be doing a review on them soon, just need to test out a few more bits💖)

I took one of my new tablets before bed last night and I'm still feeling very "spaced" out so I decided to get a shower and dressed and head on out for a coffee, while I was taking my walk to Costa I popped into the hair salon to see how much a cut and restyle would be and ended up walking out with a new hair cut there and then (must be my lucky day)


My wonderful friend Laura ( )

sent me a yoga pose to try as I'm picking it up to help me gain some balance in my body and mind, I've not got it yet as it was my first non warrior pose but with practice I shall get there,

this is what Laura sent me

this is what Laura sent me to try and my attempt LOL

and my attempt

It was hard for my first pose but I really enjoyed trying it out and am looking forward to tomorrow's pose.

Healthy Eating:🍌

well I think I did much better today with sticking to what I had planned on eating (apart from my Costa) although I'm still struggling to eat breakfast in the morning as I don't feel hungry when i get up,


Still going well with my patches but it is only day two, did use my vape a lot in the evening while i was watching TV but thats allowed right?


I managed to get to bed at a decent time unlike most nights where I'm up till gone 01:00 normally so thats a little win.

Many thanks for reading guys and I look forward to sharing day 3 with you all tomorrow.

much love Kitty Katt 🐾

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