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Day Three

Wednesday 24th May Day Three

I managed to wake up at a more reasonable time today (09:30!!) but felt kinda groggy so I thought it would be best to force some food into myself to see if that helped, plus I really do need to get better at having breakfast in the morning so I whipped up some protein pancakes with pomegranate on top with a nice cup of coffee (This is also something I will be looking at giving up but not just now)

I had a few things I needed to get done today so I got dressed and put on some makeup to try and make myself feel more like a real human (I was feeling very down and grumpy and couldn't work out why) then left the house to pop to the post office and do the other bits and bobs I needed to,

By the time I got home again I felt done in and had stomach cramps (yes thats right you know what came for a visit) so I made a coffee (tut tut) and felt the need to have a smoke (I didn't cave) and went and sat out in the field across from the flat to enjoy a bit of sun and chill out.

Before I knew it, it was well past lunch time and even thought I wasn't hungry I thought I'd better get some food so I opted for a smoothie and spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing and doing a bit of yoga.

Exercise💪🏼: Today was day two of the yoga challenge and it was splits 🙀 Laura was kind enough to let me do a half split (you can check out the pic on my Insta here)

I then went on to do a 15 min beginner yoga class from an app that Laura recommended me to try and boy even though it was a beginner one I was rather warm after it, deffo think I'm going to enjoy learning these moves.

Healthy Eating🍌: Did much better today with the food I had planed on eating and I didn't snack on anything naughty, I'm actually looking into doing a body detox next week (after I've done the food shop) so that I can really start to feel better and get the full advantage of eating clean, I'm even thinking (note the thinking in bold lol) of giving up meat for a while just to really give my system a reboot.

Smoking🚬: Today has been tough, I woke up really wanting a ciggy and for most of the day I was feeling the need to light up, but I didn't!! I managed to go with nothing but my patch and my vape.

Much love and thanks for reading guys,

Kitty Katt

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