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Day Four

Thursday 25th May 2017 Day Four

So today I woke up late (oops) it was around 10:30am but once I was up I felt much better, I had planned on having a "me" day anyway so I wasn't too upset by getting up later than planned.

as it was a "me" day I took a bit longer than normal to get washed and dressed, as I was getting ready to spend the day doing nothing a reminder popped up on my phone that I had the Dr's at 13:00 so the dressing gown came off and I put on real clothes (not just my leggings and a baggy top) I even did my make up for the first time in ages 😻

As it was a warm day I opted for a nice natural look, and went off down to the Dr's, They agreed that I was doing well with my medication and that I could go back to work on Monday 😸 so my next stop was work to let them know,

Exercise 💪🏼: Today was day 3 of the yoga challenge I'm taking part in and it was to do a plank with a twist, I loved this one as I enjoy doing planks (crazy I know) and decided to do it at the end of my 15 minute practice today, I'm starting to really look forward to my yoga time each day as I really feel relaxed and energised at the same time afterwords.

As I didn't get my "me" day I decided to spend the rest of my afternoon and evening chilling out with a bit of Pretty Little Liars on Netflix as it's been ages since I watched it.

Healthy Eating🍌: Well I stuck with my plan all day and didn't snack on naughty things, today has been a lot better for me food wise, supper was the best part for me today as it was one of my fav summer meals

Smoking🚬: Today I didn't seem to struggle as much as I did yesterday but that could be because when I got up I told myself that I'm a non smoker, this is something I'm going to try and do each morning.

Sleep💤: Ive decided that as I start each post with what time I got up I'm not going to include this bit at the bottom as well there isn't much point so as from tomorrow this will move to the top of the page,

Many thanks for reading and much love to you all

Kitty Katt


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