Day Eight
Monday 29th May Day 8

Sleep💤: Well my early night didn't work out quite the way I planned as my brain wouldn't switch off, I think I finally fell asleep around 01:30 and when my alarm went off at 08:00 I ended up pressing snooze 🙈 so when I did get up I felt a little groggy.
So it's back to work for me this evening, I'm looking forward to it but also my Anxiety is playing up a bit, I decided to get a nice hot shower, put on some make up and chill out a bit in the morning before getting ready to head off to work at 15:00
I spent the second half of my morning going through emails and working on my SVQ. When I'm on shift I have this awful habit of not doing anything before I go into work and this is something that I really want to break as most days I start work at 16:00 and end up feeling I've wasted my day. While I was having my lunch and watching KinoYoga on youtube I heard her say about smiling more at people you meet in your day, So I set myself a little task to try and smile at as many people as I could, Now this sounds simple enough right? well I'm not someone who smiles a lot (unless I'm posing for a photo) as due to my Dystonia my face twitches and pulls all sorts of crazy faces without me having any control over it, but like anything worth doing sometimes you have to overcome things,

Work💷: Now I can't go into details about my job but this evening was good, When I arrived at work my colleagues were all very happy to see me back and said that they had missed me, I did let them know that I was struggling a bit with my Anxiety and they said that they were all there for me if I needed a chat, I decided that being open and honest about what is going on in my life was probably the right way to go about it, The shift itself was a good one and I kept as busy as I could and before I knew it, it was time to come home.
I decided to have a nice hot bath once I was home and settled as I was feeling very tired after not sleeping well and being at work so I made myself a little bath cocktail of loveliness and had a nice long soak before heading off to bed.

Exercise💪🏼: As I woke up later than planned I got straight into my work out gear and did a relaxing yoga work out as I was feeling very stiff and sore from yesterdays practice but I did manage to do the Tree pose with a twist for the yoga challenge for today!

Healthy Eating🍌: When I'm working I find it very hard to eat at regular times due to the hours I work, so today I made a smoothy to take into work so that I could drink it quickly at a normal time,
Smoking🚬: Today marks a week since my last cigarette and I've hit that smelly stage where my body is getting rid of all the toxins (TMI I know) I used my vape a lot in the morning as I was feeling very stressed out. As I was at work I thought I would find it really difficult not to somke but I actullly found it really easy not to.