Day Nine
Tuesday 30th May Day 9

Sleep💤: I woke at around 9am this morning and felt great as again I'd managed to sleep through the night (think I could get used to this).
As it was my day off I really didn’t get up to much at all, I did get a nice bit of post though as I had bought some Jamberry nail wraps from my beautiful friend Jenny, (you can find her site here) I’ve never been much good at panting my nails and I have had some nail wraps before and loved them so this was a little treat for myself, I was going to put them on in the evening but time just seemed to run away from me so I’m going to save them for my night out on Saturday,
The evening was spent mainly in front of my laptop chatting up with my social media and watching SoA,

Exercise💪🏼: My yoga seemed to be very difficult today as I was feeling very stiff and sore, in all honesty I really didn't want to get on the mat but I told myself off and just got on with it, I also did day 8 of the yoga challenge (well not quite but I tried)

Healthy Eating🍌: once again I didn't have breakfast, I'm trying to think of a way to remember to have something first thing, it's strange as I'm never hungry in the morning, in fact I can go all day without eating if I don't force something down, I did have a healthy lunch and a good supper and munched grapes most of the evening.

Smoking🚬 Well I went all day without thinking about smoking, I went to get in the bath and take off my patch and then I realised I hadn’t put on one that morning 🙀
Many thanks for reading,
Much love Kitty Katt 🐾