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Day Ten

Wednesday 31st May Day 10

Sleep💤: I overslept a little today and ended up waking at 09:45 but I'm not too upset with myself as my body needed it.

When I was getting myself ready to do my morning routines my OH came home from being away, it was a nice surprise to see him, we didn't have much time to catch up as I had a meeting at 11:00 and I was due at work for 15:30 for another meeting before my shift. Luckily I was only on until 20:00 so we had a nice catch up when I got home.

Exercise💪🏼: More yoga today and it was the last day of the #MayYoHybridBeStrong challenge and it was yogis choice of any hybrid pose so I went for Lion + Foot to pit, I really had fun with this challenge and I'm sad it's finished,

Healthy Eating🍌: Once again I didn't eat as soon as I got up, this seems to be my biggest downfall, I had a nice smoothie for lunch and a chicken and bacon salad for supper,

Smoking🚬: Today was another good day and I didn't seem to use my vape that much either.

Many thanks for reading,

Much love Kitty Katt 🐾

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