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Day Eleven

Thursday 1st June Day 11

SleepšŸ’¤: I went to bed last night at nearly midnight so when I got up it was around 10:00 again but I was very sore from work and working out yesterday,

Once I was up and dressed my OH said he needed to pop out to the shop and I decided to go with him, we took a nice stroll and had fun looking at all the veggie options we could try,

I had a couple of hours to relax before heading into work so I spent some time chatting to my OH while he made his food prep (and a little mess) for 3 days.

ExercisešŸ’ŖšŸ¼: I really wasn't feeling like doing anything today but after we had been to the shop I noticed I was becoming more grumpy so I got on my mat and did a nice relaxing yoga 15 minute workout and felt much better

Healthy EatingšŸŒ: Ahh no breakfast AGAIN! Today marks the first day of me going meat free for a little so it was a nice fruit salad with nuts and coconut yoghurt for lunch and I made a smoothie to take to work, I got home from work to find my OH had made a veggie strudel and there was some for me to try (sorry no pic as I wolfed it down) Today was the first full day of me not having and meat in my diet and Iā€™m feeling pretty good so far,

SmokingšŸš¬: things are definitely getting easier with not smoking, I know that this could be down to the fact that Iā€™m on my patches still and my vape when I need it but thats still got to be better than having a piggy right?!

When I got home from work I saw that my new yoga blocks and strap had arrived, now I just need to work out how to use the strap lol,

Many thanks for reading,

Much love Kitty Katt

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