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Day Twelve

Friday 2nd June Day 12

Sleep💤: Well I didn’t get much sleep at all and when I got up (around 09:30) I was one very grumpy kitty, I’m sure I will sleep much better tonight,

The OH wanted to go to do a food shop today to stock up on healthy, yummy, veggie foods and a few tins, As I was feeling very grumpy due to not having much sleep I thought a bit of fresh air would do me good, so off we went and bought enough to keep us going for a while, thank god he went as if i had, had to carry the bag will all the tins in I think they would still be in the shop!

Once we got home the postman brought me a lovely little surprise from Soap and glory! that really helped me get out of my funk.

Work was busy this evening and by the time I got home my feet were killing me, I had a nice hot shower and as I’m off out tomorrow night for a friends birthday I think an early night is in order,

Exercise💪🏼: I decided that due to lack of sleep, and the fact I’ve done some yoga everyday since the 23rd of May that I was going to take the day off.

Healthy Eating🍌: Guess what??? yep I missed breakfast AGAIN!!!! (AHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGG) for lunch (and supper when I got home from work) I had a veggie bean burrito that the OH made, I’m not going to lie I wasn’t sure about it, but once I had eaten it I was pleasantly surprised, I also had a smoothie for work,

Smoking🚬: Feeling really good today, although I think my lungs are finally cleaning out all the rubbish from smoking as I had a few chesty coughs but I’m still going strong on the no ciggy front, I may even stop writing this bit as you guys must be getting fed up of reading it lol.

Many thanks for reading,

Much love Kitty Katt 🐾

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