A Friend For Life, Not Just For Sales
We’ve never met face to face but thanks to the joys of the internet you came into my life as a fellow network marketer and became one of my best friends, your outlook on life is similar to my own, we share our ups and downs and even our crazy as fuck times too,
Yes, I know that we aren’t in the same city but after talking with you it always feels like we are right next to each other sharing a cup of tea and the biggest bit of cake we can find.
Some people say that the friends you make online aren’t really your friends, I use to think this was true until I met some amazing people while I was trying my hand at Network Marketing but one person in particular came into my life and earned a place in my heart forever, most people I’ve “met” online have only been trying to sell me something or get me to join the company they work for, not you, you came into my life because the universe decided that we needed to be in each others lives to share the crazy, happy and downright sad things with, you say I’ve helped you grow but you my dear ray of golden sunshine have helped me more than you will ever know, You are the one who helped me to embrace the crazy kitty that lives inside me and I know with you by my virtual side I will be able to let her out again soon,
You see things in me that I have forgotten about and for that I owe you my life, you have been there to listen to my laugh and cry over some stupid and at times very difficult things and I will always be here to do the same for you.
I have so much faith and love for you and it warms my heart to see you doing well in your life,

Sometimes the internet can be a horrible, mean, nasty place but sometimes once in a while someone comes along like you and makes everything alright again, thank you for coming into my life. I’m very sorry to tell you that you are stuck with me as a friend for life!!!!